Going to college is a wonderful experience for most people most of the time. However some of you may find the transition from school to college difficult, you may feel homesick and isolated, or you may have a sudden crisis like bereavement or illness. You may be worried about a friend or just be confused about where you can get help. The student counselling service is here to help you through these times.
Other kinds of issues students look for help with include relationship difficulties, study problems, concentration difficulties, depression, anxiety, feelings of hopelessness, family breakdown and sexuality/sexual identity.
Our service has a team of professionally trained and widely experienced male and female psychotherapists and Counselling Psychologists, who are used to helping people from many different backgrounds and cultures and with a wide range of personal issues. We provide accessible, free, confidential, non-judgemental support to all registered students and this service is operated by two full-time and one part-time counsellors who are fully qualified and registered with professional counselling organisations.